The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (FHF) undertakes applied research of direct utility to private and public enterprise and of wide benefit to society. More than 76 institutes with a staff of about 30,000 researchers and administration are contribution to the success of the organization. Two Fraunhofer institutes, the Fraunhofer-Center HTL as well as the Fraunhofer IWM, contribute with their expertise on composite technology and tribology to the Green-Loop project.

Fraunhofer is partner of most of the work packages and especially coordinate WP1 and WP5.
In GREEN-LOOP the role of FHF in WP1 is the technical management and coordination of the three value chains. In WP5 FHF is responsible for the set-up of the microwave assisted extrusion process to perform novel wood composites for sliding bearings. Sample and prototypes with required properties will be tribologically tested and validated. In WP6 FHF will investigate an enhanced extrusion process to achieve net-shape components in small series production.


> website: www.htl.fraunhofer.de

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