Austrian Standards International is the recognized standardization body in Austria, a non-profit service organization founded in 1920. It is part of a national, European and international standardization network: the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). A.S.I. cooperates with other Standards Developing Organizations like IEEE and the Austrian Electrotechnical Association (OVE), member of CENELEC and IEC. Building on its recognized expertise, A.S.I. is involved in standardization-related research projects, bringing together stakeholders from industry, research and innovation, public authorities and policy makers, producers, consumers and NGOs.

ASI bridges the gap between research, innovation and global market and enhances the economic value and impact of research and innovation projects, fostering the market uptake of novel solutions through standards and standardization. It serves as a channel for disseminating the knowledge and innovation that originates in research projects.

In GREEN-LOOP, ASI develops a standardization plan detailing the relevant standardization activities and actions taken by the project, hightlighting on the applicable standards for innovative materials.


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