WP1 – Set-up of GREEN-LOOP bio-based products, green and smart solutions (M1-36) Leader: FRAUNHOFER Tasks: Task 1.1. Scientific & Technical Coordination (Task leader: FHF) Task 1.2. Working framework, requirements definition and team alignment (Task leader: IDE) Task 1.3. Validation KPI’s definition (Task leader: AIMEN) Task 1.4. Inline monitoring and quality controls (Task leader: IRIS)
Objective: To develop efficient and comprehensive organizational, and technical management of the project.
To define the technical dependencies among all the working groups and boundary conditions on use cases, and determine KPI’s to establish innovation potential of bio-based materials.
FHF will act as the technical coordinator of GREEN-LOOP. The task covers all the activities to be carried out in the three value chains: monitoring of the state of the art and of the state of practice, following of the progress of the scientific and technological developments of the project, identification of technical problems and remedial actions.
The objective of this task is to establish a properly working framework in order to define a collaborative alliance of working groups, to define the end users’ needs for the new bio-based products developed in this project.
The objective of this task is to describe the impacts achieved from the manufacture of novel bio-based materials in the value chains and to define KPI’s including sustainability factors, energy impacts, environmental burden from harmful substances, non-energy factors.
An ICT infrastructure to coordinate the data gathering will be developed by IRIS in this task. Firstly, manufacturers, supported by IRIS, will carried out the selection of the sensors to be installed. Then, ICT could be defined to interconnect all data from manufacture to the GREEN-LOOP platform for value chain optimization. The monitoring system will be designed to be part of the Internet of Things and it will be accessible online.
WP2 – Sustainability and Circularity by design (M1-36) Objective: To create and utilize a methodology to obtain optimized designs, ensuring the circularity of bio-based materials. Reduce the environmental impact by implementing A.I models, thermo-economy studies and environmental analysis. Finally, implement a platform to evaluate and optimise the bio value chains. Tasks: Task 2.1 Circular Economy, End of Life strategies and value chain assessment (Task leader: GIG) Task 2.2 Energy and Exergy analysis of the systems (Task leader: IDE) Task 2.3 Tools and methodology for LCA, LCC, and Social LCA assessments (Task leader: AIMEN) Task 2.4 Standardisation activities of GREEN-LOOP (Task leader: ASI) Task 2.5 GREEN-LOOP optimization value chain platform (Task leader: IDENER) Data access: data in real time regarding the status of the manufacture lines and circularity; Task 2.6 Learning features towards optimization of material and products (Task leader: IDENER)
Energy transformations in quality and quantity will be analysed for each material in two different stages of the product’ life. First, at lab scale, and then during upscaling of the manufacture.
LCA will be assessed mainly on recyclability, reuse, refurbish, waste reduction, litter impact and GHG emissions, complemented by other relevant impact categories. LCC will estimate capital, operational costs and cost reductions, and indirect costs related to environmental externalities, as well as and the asset's residual value at the end of its life.
From the definition of the bio-based materials, the standardization potential of the end products will be investigated. ASI together with other consortium members will develop a standardization plan detailing the relevant standardization activities and actions taken by the project.
IDE will integrate 5 modules form previous task to build the core of the GREEN-LOOP Platform:
To optimize the performance of novel bio-based materials, AI models will be implemented. These models will allow estimating the final product properties for certain manufacturing conditions.
WP3 – Bio-rubber material production (M1-25) Task 3.1. Bio-rubber materials specifications definition (Task leader: ZAG) Task 3.2. Eco-design with bio rubber compounds (Task leader: NCC) Task 3.3. Upgrades and modifications of equipment in manufacture lines (Task leader: IRIS) Task 3.4. Manufacture of bio-rubber materials and Eco-design (Task leader: UBRIS) Task 3.5. Technology validation (Task leader: NCC) Task 3.6. Characterization of bio-rubber pads (Task leader: ISQ)
Objective: To develop an optimised bio-rubber material system and validate its deployment at TRL5 to further upscale. This includes: the specification of novel material system, release of final eco-design model, technology validation in lab scale and manufacturing line, characterization, installation of ultrasound prototype & sensors for online monitoring.
The task starts with the preliminary definition of use-case characteristics for the validation of the multifunctional rubber solutions of Task 1.2;, the requirements will be referred to the construction sector according to the building standards
The task covers anything from initial concept design to model release and tooling manufacture for serial production. Final design will be validated prior upscaling activities through characterization tests. Model will be released for tooling design and procurement activities supported by AI model.
Once materials and formulation are well defined, the NCC will procure material and split the production of bio-rubber materials. Final product design will be further optimised through validation trials.
ISQ will evaluate hardness, thermal conductivity, and wear. UBRIS will evaluate vibrational properties. Flammability test will be performed by ZAG. The correlation between lignin structure will be defined by NIC.
WP4 – Bio-plastic material production (M1-25) Tasks: Task 4.2. Upgrades and modifications of equipment in manufacture lines (Task leader: IDE) Task 4.3. Eco-design and manufacture of a bio-composite material (Task leader: MYX) Task 4.4. Technology validation and generation of products. (Task leader: ISQ)
Objective: To develop an optimised bio-plastic material and validate its deployment at TRL5 to further scaleup. Specification of novel bioplastic system, release of final eco-design model, technology validation in lab scale and manufacturing line, characterisation of bottle closures, and installation of microwave prototype
with sensors for inline monitoring.
Task 4.1. Bio-plastic materials specifications definition (Task leader: TDZ)
Based on the current production of TDZ and the needs identified, the bottle closures will be tested. TDZ will perform a detailed description of all the requirements, physical and chemical to get final product for the fruit juice
MYX will develop thermoplastic biocomposites with low carbon emissions, biobased and biodegradable properties by revaluing and ennobling vegetal residues from agro-industrial supply chains as filler for thermoplastic carriers. Model will be released for tooling design and procurement activities supported by AI models.
MYX with its patent processed will sanitise and grind vegetable residues, improve the superficial adhesion of polymeric carriers. The MIX material will be directed to LBRT for trials of injection moulding.
WP5 – Wood composites material production (M1-25)
Objective: To set-up and implementation of an innovative process chain for the manufacturing of wood composite material (WC). The process should finally work in a closed loop and should demonstrate the technology in lab-scale production at TRL5. The process will be disruptive by integrating MW technology, characterization and quality controls.
Task 5.1. Wood composites materials specifications definition (Task leader: LBRT)
LBRT will determine the main characteristics needed to develop the WC bearings. The products will be designed for the tool and appliance sector at LBRT facilities in an injection unit.
Task 5.2. Upgrades and modifications of equipment in manufacture lines (Task leader: IDE)
- Subtask 5.2.1 Development of new compounds using mostly renewable resources (UBRIS).
- Subtask 5.2.2 Microwave enhancement: IDE will identify best practices and techniques for microwave utilisation in extrusion process.
- Subtask 5.2.3 Tooling designs and adaptations (FHF): the microwave will be installed at FHF facilities, ensuring the health and safety of all workers.
Task 5.3. Modelling, eco-design and manufacture of wood based composite materials (Task leader: NCC)
A suitable chemical composition with appropriate rheological properties will be carried out to obtain the best performance for a save and reproducible manufacturing of samples.
Task 5.4. Generation of samples and , characterization and quality control (Task leader: ISQ)
ISQ will characterise raw materials thermal behaviour , viscosity, functional groups and water content. FHF will characterise WC samples for tensile strength, density, homogeneity, friction, wear, pv-values, tribological performance. The quality control of WC samples will be applied by using non-destructive testing (NDT) methods directly after the manufacturing.
Task 5.5. Tribological testing and validation under industrially relevant environments (Task leader: FHF)
Tribological testing of WC samples and componentsfrom lab-scale on test benches.
WP6 – Upscale production and demonstration (M20-36) Objective: To scale-up of the lab process from WP5. Research work will be done to set-up a viable process chain for the production of GREEN-LOOP biomaterials to obtain TRL6. A quality control will be established to ensure a low number of rejected parts. End Of Life activities to ensure circularity will be done. Tasks: Task 6.1. Upscaling activities towards end user applications (Task leader: IRIS) Task 6.2. Wall and floor pad – construction – (Task leader: IRIS) Task 6.3. Bottle closures – packaging, food and beverage – (Task leader: TDZ) Task 6.4. Bearings – tools and appliance – (Task leader: LBRT) Task 6.5 End Of Life of products and next use – (Task leader: NCC)
A fine tuning for the retrofit of tooling and facilities done in WP3 to WP5 will be done to get ready the equipment for relevant environment production and upscaling activities. Ultrasound and microwave systems will be adapted to final version of manufacture lines. The ICT infrastructure will reach its final version to integrate all retrofit activities, ensure sensors connectivity and connection to the GREEN-LOOP platform to evaluate the manufacturing process.
NIC will be in charge of providing the lignin additives ready for the final press mould of the panels. NCC will perform the manufacture of the final pieces by implementing the new tooling and retrofit developed in T6.1. UBRIS will test vibrational behaviour of the panels, that will be sent to ZAG to perform the fire resistance testing in a ship-building industry. ZAG will prepare the technical assessment of the multifunctional panels.
MYX will prepare optimised bioplastic pellets to then be used at LBRT facilities to manufacture the final products. The final bottle closures will be tested by TDZ in a great variety of fruit juices and oils in a bottle made form recycled plastics. Bioplastic bottle closures will be tested at different conditions of pasteurisation.
Final retrofit of press moulding and extrusion tooling’s. The extrusion of these prototypes with the final geometry of the bearings from LBRT will be demonstrated and the reproducibility of the processes will be verified by small series production with a large number of parts. The tribological performance of prototypes will be tested in industrial environments by LBRT.
This task will ensure that all the bio-based materials manufactured in GREENLOOP follow EU’s Circular Economy and Circular Plastics Strategies.
NCC will be encharged of the mechanical recycling of rubber panel to produce pellets and reintroduce them in the value chain to create new and to refurbish pads.
MYX will be encharged of the reuse of scraps by combining them with recycled final closures to produce new value goods. FHF will be encharged of the mechanical refurbish of WC. NCC will also recycle WC material to be reused in the extrusion and moulding process.
WP7 – Business Model, Replication and Exploitation (M1-36)
Task 7.2 Exploitation strategies and IPR management (Task leader: AXIA) Task 7.3. Innovation Management [M01-M36] (Task leader: AXIA) Task 7.4. Replication cases (Task leader: AXIA) Task 7.5. Synergies with other HE funded projects (Task leader: AXIA) Task 7.6. Open science and Data management plan (Task leader: AAU)
Objective: Ensure the exploitation of the results while boosting the impact of those. This includes market analysis to find opportunities and assure the exploitation of the technologies developed under the project, update of the key exploitable results and business planning and exploitation strategy, conduct IPR management.
Task 7.1. Market Analysis and Circular Business Planning (Task leader: AXIA)
Market landscape studies will be implemented for the results arising and will be analysed in two market analysis deliverable reports. A financial projection analysis will be performed to evaluate the profitability of the revenue model, identify the need for future investments, and define the future cash flow.
The IPR exploitation activities will be developed based on an extensive exploitation plan to disseminate and exploit the project results found during the project execution and at the end of the project, to find stakeholders to set the bases for future market and business deployments.
A PEST and SWOT of the internal and external analysis environment affecting the exploitation of the project will be carried out. The innovation margins of each result will be identified and the TRL evolution of the KER towards their commercial exploitation will be defined.
The task is to set the basis for the replicability of bio-based materials usages in different industrial sectors as well as to identify and study 6 different cases where feasible use of bio-based products can be made.
To strengthen the impact of GREEN-LOOP by collaborating with other HE funded projects, EU-funded projects as well as national and local initiatives. Project partners will cooperate in organising events with other projects and initiatives.
A Data Management Plan (will be prepared to describe the data management lifecycle for all data gathered through the real-time monitoring system and used in the GREEN-LOOP platform as well as the results obtained. Guidelines for managing personal data and compliance with privacy regulations (as GPDR) will be provided. The tools and the repositories will be settled to ensure the open-source software developed under GREEN-LOOP.
WP8 – Communication, Dissemination and Training (M1-36) Tasks: Task 8.1. Communication and Dissemination Plan (Task leader: NSB) Task 8.2. Dissemination Materials and Channels (Task leader: NSB) Task 8.3. Communication and Dissemination Activities (Task leader: NSB) Task 8.4. Trainings & Social engagement (Task leader: ISQ) Task 8.5. Gender Dimension (Task leader: AAU) Task 8.6. Health and safety issues (Task leader: NSB)
Objective: To distribute project results among the main target groups and the broader stakeholders’ community (policy makers, academia, etc.), while facilitating knowledge transfer, community engagement and acceptance and to maximise the opportunities for exploitation in line with WP7.
The C&D plan will start with desk research, continuing with input from manufacturers, researchers and technology providers and all partners from the beginning to the end of the project, will contain an analysis of the WHO, WHAT and HOW with an initial plan of activities for the entire project duration. It will also consider the Exploitation plan of WP7 and align activities to efficiently complement exploitation and scaling of the project with dissemination.
The aim of this task is to create an effective and attractive visual identity of GREEN-LOOP that will assist in delivering its message to key stakeholders as well as to the wider public.
The material to be created will include the project visual identity and branding, the website & social media channels, the C&D materials.
C & D activities will ensure targeted communication of the project and its progress on local/national and EU level. Dissemination actions, such as social media campaigns, online and offline events, scientific and non-scientific publications ,will be strategically planned to make results public to maximise GREEN-LOOP’s impact and exploitability.
ISQ will be responsible, with contributions from all partners at different levels, for the implementation of capacity building activities addressed to both the work force involved in the designing and manufacturing of bio-based materials and/or other stakeholders. This task will foresees 3 pilot courses per pilot site, and 3 webinars based in real cases.
Social engagement (AAU): social engagement will be set up to exchange on novel bio-based technologies for green/smart manufacturing and create new knowledge to advance the related professional practice.
AAU will organise a seminar during the first semester of the project in which indications on how to integrate the gender dimension into the research and innovation activities of the project will be provided. AAU will monitor and foster that the gender balance is maintained in GREEN-LOOP decision-making processes.
The health and safety guidelines will be considered from the beginning of the project. An evaluation of current and forthcoming directives affecting the project and the expected bio-based materials and products will be undertaken.
WP9 – Coordination and Management (M1-36) Task 9.2. Project monitoring and project quality control (Task leader: IDE)
Objective: To develop efficient and comprehensive organizational, economic/financial, and legal management with the aim of guarantee the successful execution of the project (project objectives, costs, timing, and quality).
Task 9.1. Administrative and financial management (Task leader: IDE)
IDE as coordinator will ensure constant communication with the EC officer in charge of the project. The Project Coordinator will guarantee that the CA is respected, will monitor the project activities according to the work plan, will ensure that all deliverables are produced on time, will keep regular communication and exchange with all consortium members, will organize and chair the project management meetings.
IDE will implement an intranet service to facilitate management and support communication tasks and monitor the project activities.
IDE will define a management quality strategy and create and recommend procedures to guarantee the quality of the GREEN-LOOP. IDE in collaboration with FHF will ensure that WP and task leaders get a clear definition of execution steps, responsibilities and obligations. The quality control by WP leaders will be hold two times per year.
WP10 – Ethics requirements (M1-36)
Objective: The objective is to ensure compliance with the Ethics requirements set out in this work package.
This work package sets out the Ethics requirements that the project must comply with.